Los Angeles County Land Resources
Los Angeles County Land Records Information Portal – provides Record of Surveys, Parcel Maps, Tract Maps, Township Plats, Official Maps, Official Record Maps, Highway Dedication Maps, Deed Maps, Patent Maps, Field Books, CSB Maps, Design Plans, Flood R/W Maps, etc in PDF form.
Los Angeles County Assessor Website - property tax assessment information and data on individual parcels with maps and sales searches.
Los Angeles County DPW Survey Division's Bench Mark Retrieval System - The Department of Public Works level net is composed of more than 1,700 miles (2,720 kilometers) of level circuits supporting in excess of 9,000 bench marks. To facilitate the adjustment, indexing and distribution of adjusted values to the network, the county territory was divided into 33 areas or "quads". For identification purposes each quad was given a name, for example, "Rosemead", "La Mirada", "Santa Fe", etc. Each quad's content includes index maps, county maps, abbreviation listings, etc. for each specific quad selected. The bench data provided is derived from the latest adjustments to date. NO historical data is provided.
Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal – shows Administrative Boundaries, Political Boundaries, Planning and Zoning, Hazards, Demographics, Parcels, Elevation Data, LA County Base Map, LA County Streets, LA County Aerial, LA County Terrain, etc. Some of the data is available for download.
Flood Zone Determination Website - The Flood Zone Determination Website allows you to locate property and determine its location within a Federal flood zone. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) publishes Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) depicting areas subject to flood hazards. These Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) or Flood Zones include different types and levels of flooding risks. The flood insurance and building permit requirements depend on the designated flooding risk at a property.
Los Angeles County DPW "Guide to the Preparation of Records of Survey and Corner Records" - describes purposes and requirements for a Corner Record and Record of Survey, responsibilities of the private surveyor/engineer, responsibilities of the county surveyor when reviewing a Record of Survey and Corner Record. The Guide also provides Record of Survey Check Sheet, GPS Record of Survey Guidelines and Sample Corner Records and Records of Survey.
Los Angeles County Storm Drain Network - The Los Angeles County Storm Drain System shows drains, channels, catch basins, and debris basins in the County of Los Angeles using a web-based map viewer. It currently includes facilities owned and maintained by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (District), the City of Los Angeles, and United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). Information on the facilities, such as date built, size, and material can be obtained by selecting them. The plans are also available for the Corps and District facilities.
Los Angeles County Sanitary Sewer Network - The primary objective of this website is to display the sanitary sewer system sewer lines maintained by the Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District. Users can search by various attributes including address, intersection, or Parcel AIN number to determine if they are located within the District and which facilities they may be connected to. Sewer Maps and Overlays are available in PDF format, click on the desired map grid and make your selection to view. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view maps.
Los Angeles County Hydrology Map - A GIS viewer application to view the data for the hydrology manual.
Los Angeles County DPW Land Development Services Website – includes on-line applications for Tentative Tract or Parcel Map Number, Subdivision Applications and Forms, Improvement Plans Forms and Publications. It allows design professionals and property owners to search and submit Improvement Plans, submit Final Maps for review, verify if a Final Map has been recorded.
Standard Border Sheets for Land Development
Los Angeles County DPW Building and Safety Website - provides information on latest Codes, Standards and Guidelines including Building, Residential, Green Building Standards, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes. It allows to do on-line Plancheck submissions, report violations, report grading activities, and provides General Permit information and Building Code Fee schedules.